Thursday, March 1, 2018

You Can Consume Cannabis Legally At The Coffee Joint In Denver

Denver, I love you. I feel like I don’t tell you that enough, but I really, really do. Great coffee, amazing beer, your outdoor activities are top-notch, and all that cannabis. You just get me, y’know. Every time I visit it gets harder and harder to leave. And now with the nation’s first business where it is legal to consume cannabis on-premise—well, almost—I may just be trading in my Texas driver’s license for a Colorado ID.

According to 5280, a social cannabis consumption license is on the verge of being issued to a Lincoln Park coffee shop named… wait for it… the Coffee Joint. All the coffee shop needs to do is make it through a public hearing and pass an inspection and it will receive what is believed to be the nation’s first on-site recreational cannabis consumption permit.

But the Coffee Joint won’t actually sell any cannabis; according to the ordinance passed in November of 2016 that allows for this sort of permit, all THC products have to be purchased elsewhere for on-site consumption. Luckily Coffee Joint co-owner Rita Tsalyuk also manages 1136 Yuma—the dispensary next door—so you won’t have to go far.

And if we’re being technical, you can’t actually smoke here, because of the Colorado Clean Air Act. As store manager Meredith Wharton tells 5280, “You can vape your flower, you can dab your oil, and you can consume edibles. You just can’t smoke in here.”

Entry into the Coffee Joint—including a free cup of coffee—will cost a measly $5, but it is free with a purchase from 1136 Yuma. 5280 even notes that if you buy THC coffee from 1136 Yuma, the Coffee Joint will prepare it for you.

Should I ever be mysteriously disappeared, AWOL from all my agreed-upon responsibilities, with a coincidentally also-missing backpack as the only clue to what may or may not have happened, there’s a better than likely chance I’ve stolen myself away to Denver. The Coffee Joint would be a good place to begin the search.

Zac Cadwalader is the news editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.

*top image via the Coffee Joint Facebook page

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